Student engaged in chess



 The medium of communication in the school premises is ENGLISH.

 Students should affix their photographs and write the required information duly signed by their parent, in the space provided in this almanac.

 All students must wear their identity card to school every day.

 Students should carry their almanac to school every day.

 Students should be neat and cleanly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn every day, for all functions and activities. They should take pride in wearing their uniform. They should not wear the school uniform in any public place outside school without prior permission.

 Students must wear their respective house T-shirts on their PE days.

 Students are expected to respect all school properties. No student should cause any damage to the school furniture, scribble on the walls or damage the belongings of others. Any damage done, even by accident, should be reported immediately to the school authorities. The damage caused will have to be made good by the one who causes it.

 At times, the whole class of the erring student may have to pay a 'joint fine'. This may be done in very special cases to make students learn the lesson of collective responsibility and discipline.

 Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones, cameras, music systems, pen drives or electronic devices such as laptops to school without prior permission of the school authority. If found, the above items will be confiscated immediately.

 No shouting, whistling, loitering or running around is allowed in or around the school building.

 Students are forbidden from throwing things at each other.

 Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments such as knives etc. to the school or any kind of object that can cause injury to others.

 Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly fashion.

 Students are advised to keep their classroom, school building and campus clean and throw any leftovers, only in the dustbin.

 The school is not responsible in any way for the loss of goods of any student. It is not advisable to bring expensive articles to school. No requests for access to CCTV footage will be entertained for such issues.

 No books (other than text books, exercise books and library books) should be brought to school.

 The school reserves the right to suspend or take disciplinary actions against a student whose diligence or progress is constantly unsatisfactory, or whose conduct is harmful to other students.

 No student shall indulge in any of the following practices:

 Bursting crackers or spewing colours, during Diwali or Holi, near or within the school premises (as well as within school buses) is strictly prohibited.
Non-compliance to these instructions (and the ones stated above) can lead to expulsion from the school.

 Students should be polite and well-mannered within school premises wherever they go. They should greet the teachers and other staff members whenever and wherever they cross paths.

 Bullying and use of inappropriate language are punishable offences. The behavior of the students should never be such as to compromise the digni and self-respect of the teachers and members of the school staff ty management. They should never be cruet and should know that the trait of a bully while kindness is the mark of a gentleman. strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act unnoticed or unpunished. Depending on the gravity of the corrective measures will be taken as per CBSE guidelines.

 In case the norms are violated, the decision of the management in cohes• with the School Disciplinary Committee will be final. The deterrent decided upon by the aforementioned Committee, can in extreme cases, result in issuing of TC (Transfer Certificate) to the concerned students.

Attendance and Punctuality

 Regular attendance is compulsory.

 No child will be allowed entry into the school before 8:00 a.m. or allowed to stay back after 3:00 p.m.

 The school gates will close at 8:30 a.m.

 Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises after 8:30 a.m.

 The school shall not be held responsible for students who arrive late and, as a result, are sent back home.

 Children must be received from the school latest by:

 If a child is late 3 times or more in a month, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action.


 Students must attend school in properly laundered uniform and clean.
Only black hair clips/ bands should be worn by girls between classes I to Xll. The girls must maintain neat hairstyle and the boys must have a regular' neat haircut suitable for school. In spite of several warnings if a boy continues to come to school with tong hair/inappropriate haircut, the school authorities will have no alternative but to suspend the student.

 Students are not permitted to wear any makeup or jeweltery except a pair of simple ear-studs for girls. The school wilt not be responsible for the toss of jewellery worn in contravention of this rule.

 For girls, if mehendi has to be worn, it should be applied only on the palms and not on the back of the palms or arms.

 The school uniform is meant to be worn only at school and school related functions.

 Students may wear coloured clothes (appropriate for school) on their birthdays.

 Students are not allowed to wear nail polish/tattoos to school.

 Students are not allowed to dye their hair or apply hair gel.

No alterations to the prescribed uniform will be allowed. Students found altering the design of the uniform will be liable to disciplinary action.

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