At Bihani Academy,the medium of instruction is English. Vernacular is taught as 2nd and later on as 2nd and 3rd language (English + 2nd Language + 3rd Language).

Children are quick learners - especially where languages are concerned. Your child will surely pick up English by mixing with the other students and hearing it spoken at all times by the teachers as well. Any problems with the language will be dealt with by the teacher concerned gently and patiently.

Bihani Academy is affiliated to the Central Board of Seconday Education (CBSE).

Children are taught carefully during school hours and so we do not encourage private tuitions. However, if the parents feel that their child requires additional attention at home, they are welcome to make their own arrangements. Bihani Academy teachers do not give private tuition to students of this school.

Every child receives a 'School Calendar' at the start of the School Academic year giving dates for Parent Teacher Meetings. Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend all meetings. Besides, parents have easy access to the Principal and Vice-Principal on days reserved for such consultations. Our Teachers are friendly and always ready to answer queries regarding wards at the appropriate time.

We recommend that while suffering with any kind of ailment and especially an infectious illness, the child is not sent to school. However, in the event of a sudden problem, parents / guardians are immediately informed. Bihani Academy has a doctor on call and first aid / basic medical attention is provided at once.

Trained male and female assistants are at hand to help the young ones until such time as they are confident enough to manage the task themselves. Parents are invited to help us in our efforts to encourage children to become independent in this area.

Bihani Academy prides itself in an array of well designed and superbly crafted extra curricular activities planned carefully for enrichment of the child's growing up experience.

Our Teacher's Co-ordinator makes sure that your child does not lose out on any notes on lessons taught during a medical absence.

We have an ‘In House Canteen’ that caters to our children and staff. Tasty, wholesome vegetarian snacks may be bought from the counter that operates during recess time. In case your child is not carrying any money on that particular day, the "Tuck Man" writes down the name of the child and supplies whatever is asked for.

Aqua guards fitted in the building provide good, clean and totally safe drinking water to the children. Regular maintenance keeps the Overhead water tanks sparkling clean.

Our own generator supplies power back-up for as long as the electricity is off so that children are comfortable for the entire duration of the school hours.

Trusted security personnel make sure that the school gates are manned round the clock. Security is also trained in the use of the Fire extinguishers fitted in the building. Children will be taught the Fire Drill by the Fire Brigade Unit. Our own attendant travels in the school bus along with the bus attendant for added security.

We make sure that printed notices are given out for important announcements. In the event of a notice not being issued, teachers make sure that every child has taken down the information in the school diary from the Chalk Board.

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